Our team of experts will effectively guide your company through the ESG transformation process, ensuring not that you not only meet regulatory requirements, but above all, secure your business’s future. Every change in ESG based legislation has the potential to increase your market position or devalue your company – and we can show you both advantages and risks associated with ESG.
We will prepare ESG reports for your company, offering support throughout the entire process, from analyzing regulations and the current state of the company, through data collection, to preparing drafts, pointing out areas for improvement, and preparing the final ESG report ready for publishing.
We will help you prepare the optimal ESG Strategy. We deal with both determining KPIs in the regulatory context, but also supporting the implementation of the ESG Strategy in your company.
We guide companies through the entire ESG transformation process, from risk assessment, preparation of assumptions, creation of ESG Reports and Strategies, through the implementation of Green projects that allow achieving the assumed climate and sustainable development goals.
We help identify risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.
Thanks to our experience in global business, including strategic consulting, we offer economically optimized solutions in line with global standards.
CarboRating brings together experts from the financial, industrial, IT (data science and cyber security), and ESG sectors. A broad team of experts allows us to create a multi-dimensional model for ESG Transformation.
We facilitate the collection of ESG data by integrating with proven ESG software already in use at renowned companies in Great Britain, the EU, and the Middle East, making data collection simple, automated and auditable.
Our offer is also competitive compared to market offers of large auditors and consultants.
We are focused on long-term cooperation. The most important factors for us are mutual trust and open cooperation.
Our can is adept at modeling ESG risk and thus optimizing clients Ratings in line with potential financial and strategic investor, and lenders guidelines.
Autorski model 360-ESG by CarboRating pozwala na efektywną ocenę wszystkich ryzyk związanych w wdrożeniem regulacji ESG. Dzięki efektywnym modelom ryzyka, zbierając dane do raportów ESG, możliwe jest tym samym zarządzanie Strategią Spółki.
Pozwala to na optymalizację biznesową, ale przede wszystkim na zdobycie przewagi rynkowej. Model 360-ESG by CarboRating to kompleksowe podejście fiansowo-ekonomiczno-strategiczne, które pozwala za zdobycie oceny i ratingu względem konkurencji zarówno lokalnej, jak i globalnej.
ul. Święty Marcin 29/8
61-806 Poznań
Pn. – Pt. 10:00 – 18:00
Sobota, niedziela Nieczynne