Support for companies in transformation and ESG reporting

Technology consulting and strategic consulting office on the borderline of the ESG and IT industries. It brings together experts in the areas of ETS, emission assessment, ESG, analysis, data and risk modeling, and energy transformation. Helps clients navigate the complex regulatory environment of ESG reporting. At the same time, it develops IT tools and data banks that help clients automate processes related to the preparation of reports and carbon footprint modeling. In addition, we develop proprietary AI tools for assessing the ESG rating of enterprises. CarboRating is the new standard in ESG. 

CarboRating is focused on building relationships, attention to detail & supporting companies in their long term ESG transformation

Our values are what define CarboRating’s methodology. We approach each client individually with focus on  needs and detail. We are committed to building long-term business relationships and cooperation. ESG transformation is not something can be completed  in a month or twoESG transformation is a long-term process, in which mutual trust and a quick response to changing and  emerging regulations are critical. In such a dynamic environment of change, the most important thing is the transparency of communication. In addition, our SaS ESG Platform has been implemented by industry leaders, and can confirm that customer satisfaction  and meeting  expectations and requirements are a priority. 

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